Thursday, March 11, 2021


 One ----------------> PROBABLY is the CORRECT  way &  

Other is the POPULAR way.

Popular way is what all our education systems focus on. In fact,  most of the education we receive on money is focused on the popular way which is often called "MONEY IQ". It is probably 95% of all the education and all the books you have ever read on money,  but that 5% which is called "MONEY EQ" is what is really truly the most important thing.  People want to learn about MONEY IQ  which is about Financial Intelligence, it's about how to buy stocks and how to trade and all the other things.  And what I found that MONEY EQ is more important than MONEY IQ.  MONEY EQ is Emotional Intelligence of Money,  how healthy you feel with money.


A healthy relationship is that when you FEEL HAPPY ABOUT MONEY.

The highest MONEY IQ people with all the MBA,  all their Doctor Degrees,  are good at investing,  are super - good with business,  but these high money IQ people often loose every thing because of LOW MONEY EQ. Even though you build high tower with Money IQ, the foundation is shaking,  it's gonna fall. 


For example, if you get 500 $ raise which is great and you keep money, but Probably you would celebrate your raise and spend a lot and then if you get 2000$ raise which is great,  probably you would move to a better or a bigger house and then you would probably buy a bigger car and more expenses go up. So, even though you get a raise, you make more money, your expenses are trying to match your income, so you have no money in the end of the month.

 Anyway, there are many CEO's making a few 100 & 1000 $'s every year,  but still they can't keep their money, because their lifestyles consumes all their money.  So unless you will not learn about MONEY EQ,  and how the solid foundation, you will never be able to feel peace with money and you will never be able to achieve true financial independence.

                 When you develop your MONEY EQ,  that's when you start to feel rich and that when the universe starts to shift to bring you to welcome in abundance that you desire. 

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